Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Another inspiring photographer

A simple snail attracted my friend. I had never paid much attention to the perfect spirals.

Recently, my wife and I had a couple visit from Montreal. The wife has Alzheimer's. An artist all her life, she is now losing her connection to reality. Amazingly, her love of art and her need to create seem to be strong drives nestled deep within her, and as core drives both appear to be very difficult to extinguish.

We went for a walk in an old-growth forest and watching this woman work was truly inspiring. A stroll in the woods with my friend leading the way took four hours.

My friend's links to her memory banks, both long and short-term, may be breaking but she is truly in tune with the moment. She didn't miss a picture opportunity: a small snail (stop to take a picture), a loudly buzzing bumble bee on purple/blue wild flowers (stop to take a picture) or a green on green flower (stop to take another picture.)

With her leading the way, I can honestly say that I haven't had as much fun taking pictures in the woods in years.